Our Story (C)

And such we wish to share this philosophy Giethoorn is not just a village of canals. It tells a story of people having a bond with the surrounding nature. The secret of the village is a successful approach for countryside development powered by people and driven by operations!

Embracing the wildlife and beauty that the world gives us. The world’s landscapes and ecosystems are degrading at an unprecedented pace. Our common interest is to build and shape resilient landscapes, restore healthy ecosystems and create regenerative businesses for generations to come.

with the whole word and keep on improving the system and hospitality in Giethoorn and the wetlands . Since 2005 we have developed sensorial hospitality and shapable tourism concepts for other companies, governments and destinations in the world.

Embracing the agricultural structure and rural tourism destination points has shown us the importance of the human connection with our environment, which lead us to create Giethoorn Hospitality.

Shapable tourism in Giethoorn focuses on sustainability and is based on our circular economy model that consists of (co-)creating unique experiences, from existing resources, such as watermanagement, cultural and historical knowledge, local (farming) products, high (international)standard of hospitality and coaching visitors and guides to build a deeper relationship with Giethoorn.

It is important to recognize active participation and interaction in co-creation tourism experiences. It involves locals, entrepreneurs, visitors and government all connected in different ways (emotional, cognitive, physical, and social) in close proximity and intensively. Great hospitality, good information flow unique experiences creates loyalty of guests.

All popular tourism destinations need a new generation of tourism that involves the visitors themselves and the locals in the creation of the authentic tourist product. It allows them, to position themselves through their own DNA and by the loyalty of the visitors. Tourism preferences for destination activities have been evolving towards more participative behaviour, that means you just need to coach tourism providers on hospitality and (cultural) knowledge and coach the guests and guides visiting your destination.

If you have any question or comment, please get a hold of us in whichever way is most convenient for you!
Giethoorn Hospitality, Agri & Tourism
Beulakerweg 30
8355 AH Giethoorn
The Netherlands
P.: +31(0)521362720
M.: +31(0)621274063
E.: family@giethoornhospitality.com

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